master Peter Zborowski


The energy available in this universe cleanses and organizes the mental and causal layers.
This is the second step in the crystallization of the body.
To change the world, you must first cleanse your own micro-world of programs, beliefs, egregors and demons. Piotr Zborowski is the first and only mentor I know who has come this far .... and never stops.
Anna Włodarczyk, attendant CQtherapy
The ForceQuantum Legend
The ForceQuantum Legend
In 1995, after his Reiki initiation, Piotr Zborowski felt the wind in his sails. At that moment he gained access to the knowledge and art of a method that was compatible with his experience of reality since childhood.

Unfortunately, at the same time and for almost 30 more years, he watched his ex-wife, who was initiated as a Reiki Master during that period. What she represented by performing dark rituals also in his presence, as well as what other pseudo-masters he knew represented, closed him off to guiding people along the Reiki path .... until the Reiki Source was cleansed from the clutches of the false masters in 2023.

At the same time, during those 30 years, he diligently meditated for several hours a day, every day, relentlessly searching for other paths, new solutions. The answer came after 25 years of chiropractic practice, which he took to levels still inaccessible to humans, and created the proprietary cQtherapy method. Its accuracy and effectiveness at a distance circulated the world from the USA to Europe and Asia to Australia. The efficacy of the cQtherapy method, especially in people for whom conventional medicine gave no chance, kept patients in line for two years.
The famous recommendations were: "No one knows how to help you? Go to Zborowski. You'll have to wait a long time, but if anyone will help you, it's only him." And he did help.

In 2021, while meditating, his attention was drawn to a very bright light, invisible to the human eye, which he called ForceQuantum for research purposes. And he forgot about it for almost a year. By chance, in one of the millions of no-go situations in his life, he reached for the long-forgotten energy and it worked in a millisecond. This prompted him to research this energy source in detail, which led him to extraordinary discoveries and deeds.
Everything is energy and only that. Match the frequency to the frequency of the reality you desire, then you will acquire that reality.
It cannot be otherwise. This is not philosophy. This is physics.
~Albert Einstein
Piotr Zborowski, after 30 years of raising his vibration, spiritual development and research, during one of his Spiritual Network explorations, discovered and initiated himself to a source of energy he called ForceQuatnum.

He spent years exploring to see if everything is within us.... But not everything is ours. The suffering that floods our world and all levels of the supernatural was created outside of our free will. The suffering that every being here unconsciously seeks was programmed into us in the form of an infection, a software virus. We are born with this infection, and all the time we are striving in various ways for self-destruction, generating huge deposits of energy of suffering, pain, death. To consume the energy of suffering, entities use artificially created energy centers called chakras, which are actually like an electrical outlet. Once plugged in, any type of energy can be downloaded.

ForceQuantum energy reaches much higher and deeper than previously known methods. Its effects can be felt and seen much more quickly. It allows the removal of blockages, programs, beliefs not only from the mental layers but also from the causal and supra-causal layers where the blocking programs of suffering are located in the form of a virus. Created outside of our free will. Working with ForceQuantum energy opens up opportunities to cleanse the virus infection in our being. To enter a higher level of vibration, development and creation with dignity, with our free will and free of malicious programs.
Working with ForceQuantum
you have the opportunity to
master Piotr Zborowski
ForceQuantum is a higher school of transformation. To be initiated into the art of using it, one must complete at least two levels of Reiki Initiation with Master Piotr Zborowski. During the Reiki Initiation, the Master imparts not only spiritual knowledge, but also a tremendous energy charge for spiritual development.
To use ForceQuantum, you must enter the right vibrational level. Just like moving from a chicinquecento to a Ferrari, moving from the Reiki level to ForceQuantum requires new skills so you don't crash into barriers. Watch the video

watch the video
Start the transformation process here
Perhaps you are one of those who have matured through incarnations to realize your ultimate inner potential. The goal of Piotr Zborowski's unique cQtherapy method is to raise the vibration of those who are ready to move into a new energetic state at the peak of their potential. Into a state of a crystalline body, in tune with the vibration of the higher dimension of this universe.
Reiki Shoden I
on-line, workshop
€ 150
Reiki Okuden II
3 month after I Reiki
€ 500
  • You can continue with Reiki Advance
Reiki Shnipinden III
one year after II Reiki
€ 10 000
  • You can continue with Reiki Advance
one year after II Reiki

€ ?
  • Individual pricing
Following your
  • spiritual development